Countering misinformation about COVID-19

Awareness campaign -

May 11, 2020

“A joint campaign with the Government of the United Kingdom and BBC World”

WHO has joined forces with the communications teams at the Government of the United Kingdom and the Prime Minister’s office for an awareness campaign about the risks of incorrect and false information regarding the pandemic. “Stop The Spread” is a global campaign, rolled out on BBC World television, website and apps during May and June 2020. The campaign aims to raise awareness among BBC audiences of the risks of misinformation on COVID-19. It encourages them to double check information from unreliable sources and promotes WHO and national health authorities as trusted sources of information.

In addition to the global TV and web channels, the awareness campaign will also roll out through BBC digital apps in these 20 countries worldwide.

  • Africa – Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Zambia
  • Asia – Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Thailand
  • Europe – Azerbaijan, Moldova
  • Middle East – Algeria, Libya, Tunisia
  • Latin America – Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Paraguay

The UK government will also offer a toolkit of the campaign assets to partner governments to translate and use in their countries, so there is a unified message across governments on this very important topic. BBC has provided its platforms for this campaign pro bono as part of its partnership agreement with WHO to amplify the importance of accurate health messages. The UK government has ensured the funding of the campaign and is leading tracking engagement.

This tripartite partnership campaign supports WHO’s work for addressing the infodemic of false information about COVID-19 and for busting myths about the spread and treatment of the disease.

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